
Saying Yes to Life

 Saying yes to our lives means passing by whatever does not support our highest good and well-being.

“The world begins with yes.”  –Terry Tempest Williams

It means practicing loving-kindness meditation until we actually begin to love ourselves, affirming that we deserve love until we feel deserving, and being willing to walk away from whatever holds us back from living our full potential. Saying yes means being willing to pass up good for great, because on some level we have tasted great, and we know that we deserve nothing less. Just say yes.

Mindfulness practice teaches us to embrace what is with acceptance. When we accept how things are, when we truly see ourselves and our lives with clarity, then we have the freedom to change. And to create lasting lifestyle changes that support our wellbeing and happiness.

Are you choosing what limits wellness or your life? Or are you choosing what supports your wellness? If the answer is yes, try to see this pattern with mindfulness–with kindness and curiosity. Explore it in your mindful journaling practice, and see what insights emerge in your other mindfulness meditation practices.

Once you can see the patterns that create suffering, then you can begin to explore the question, “Now what?” Saying yes also means accepting things as they are, seeing things, including ourselves, as we are, with kindness, curiosity, and self-compassion. How can you practice saying yes in your life?

Jen Johnson is a mindfulness teacher and therapist, photographer, and writer teaching mindfulness for healing and creativity. Learn more about working with Jen.

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